How do I create a new Event?
- Click “Events”
- Click the tab “New”
- Click “Create a New Event”
- Title the event
- Enter the “Run Date Start.” This date is when the event will start appearing on the website.
- Enter the “Event Start Date.” This is the day the event begins.
- Check the appropriate category for the event
- Click Add
- Enter the Event Content. Important content regarding the event, date and time, location details should be added and saved in this section.
- Click “Settings” tab
- Status: event status should remain “Active” to appear on the website
- Display Start Date: the date the event will start appearing on the website
- Event Start Date: select the date and time in the drop down boxes for when the event starts
- Event End Date: select the date and time in the drop down boxes for when the event ends
- Members Only: check yes, if only members can view this event. Check no, if both members and non-members can view this event.
- Save Changes
- The event has now been created. Additional tabs including: Files, Multimedia, and Gallery allow for the event to include downloads, video, and photographs.