How do I add a Coupon to my page?

  1. Create the coupon.  See creating coupons.
  2. Click "Page Content" from the left column.
  3. Click the page the coupon should be displayed on.
  4. Click the "Coupon" tab located at the top of the page between "Forms" and "Articles." 
  5. If you have previously created an appropriate coupon group then click the "Get code for page" link next to it and proceed to step 6, or create a new group by clicking "Create a new Coupon Group".
    (By default there is only one test Group created so it is probable that you will need to create more. For example, you may want to create a group called "December Coupons" that encompasses certain coupon categories. 
    1. Type the title of the group in the " Title" box
    2. Go over your coupon to finalize the features (you can edit these later also) and check the categories of coupons that will display in this group.
    3. Click the "Add" button.
    4. Click the "Close" button or the "X" to close the popup window.
    5. Refresh the page and navigate back the coupons tab of the particular page you wanted the  coupons displayed on.
    6. Go back to step 5.
  6. After the "Get code for page" link is clicked, copy the text in the pink box at right by right click or control and C.
  7. Click the "Content" tab located first before "Forms".
  8. Paste the code into the text area where you want the coupon to display.
  9. Click the "Save Changes" button.